A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
08/20/2019 | Luke Turner
Targeting a pathway that promotes cancer immune evasion could prolong immunotherapy and reduce its side effects for liver cancer patients
08/11/2019 | Jonathan James
The combination of genome-scale CRISPR experiments and powerful computational approaches has created a Cancer Dependency Map
07/24/2019 | Luke Turner
The WHO’s Classification of Tumors series is entering its fifth edition – and many accessibility improvements make the latest Blue Books the best yet
07/18/2019 | Jason Ramos
Simultaneous multiplex immunohistochemistry can provide efficient testing of multiple targets when diagnosing and selecting treatment for cancer
07/16/2019 | Michael Schubert
A new imaging technique provides detailed views of tumor cells, allowing researchers to visualize the transition from precancerous to cancerous
07/05/2019 | Michael Schubert
The microbial diversity and species distribution of the cervix may help diagnosticians determine the patients at increased risk of cervical cancer.
07/04/2019 | Eslie Dennis, Eric Walk, Ken Bloom, Mark Kockx
A response to David Rimm’s letter that supports the role of PD-L1 testing in improving outcomes for cancer patients.
07/04/2019 | David L. Rimm
David Rimm challenges the sensitivity and reproducibility of a new assay for PD-L1 detection.
06/27/2019 | George Karlin-Neumann
Techniques like droplet digital PCR technology can assist with early monitoring of cancer immunotherapy to ensure the right treatment for each patient
06/27/2019 | Michael Schubert
A new study uses machine learning to perform meta-analysis of eight metagenomic studies linking gut microbial signatures with colorectal cancer.
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Lessons from the Power List: Challenges
The Genome Pioneer
The Value of Neuropathology