A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
08/20/2024 | Jessica Allerton
Forensic analysis reveals ancient history of cancer research in our Image of the Month
08/08/2024 | Jessica Allerton | 4 min read
Forensic analysis of human skulls reveals ancient Egyptians undertaking cancer research and treatment over 4,000 years ago
07/02/2024 | Roxanne Zascavage | 4 min read
With additional forensic-specific analysis software, nanopore sequencing platforms look set to revolutionize the industry
06/07/2024 | Jessica Allerton
Celebrating the life of the famous forensic pathologist, 1931–2024
05/22/2024 | Jessica Allerton
Mass spectrometry provides forensic toxicologists with a reliable and rapid answer to drug screening
04/17/2024 | Jessica Allerton
Forensic genomic research opens the door to further discoveries on human genetic history surrounding the Black Death pandemic
01/30/2024 | Georgia Hulme | 5 min read
Sitting Down With… Ken Obenson, Forensic Pathologist at The Saint John Regional Hospital, New Brunswick, Canada
12/20/2023 | Georgia Hulme | 2 min read
Get your forensic fix…
11/29/2023 | George Francis Lee | 6 min read
We spoke with Meagan Chambers on her autopsy passion project, TheAutopsyBook.com
10/30/2023 | Meagan Chambers
A rallying cry for autopsy in this Tweet of the Month…
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Cytology: the Backbone of Modern Pathology?
Real-Life Forensic Pathology Is Not CSI
The Lasting Legacy of SARS-CoV-2