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Biochemistry and molecular biology

Subspecialties Cytology

A Better Future for Bladder Cancer

| John Cucci

A new immunocytochemistry stain offers a sensitive, noninvasive, and cost-effective diagnostic tool for patients at risk of bladder cancer

Subspecialties Cytology

Protecting Patients from Progression

| Michael Schubert

A new molecular test offers the first opportunity to identify the patients who are most likely to benefit from treatment, rather than surveillance

Diagnostics Genetics and epigenetics

Exploring the Epi-signature

| Luke Turner

New research shows that genome-wide testing of DNA methylation can diagnose previously unsolved cases of neurodevelopmental and congenital anomalies

Diagnostics Genetics and epigenetics

A Day at the (sncRNA) Zoo

| Luke Turner

It’s tricky to distinguish between valid and false-positive miRNA biomarkers – but evolutionarily conserved genetic signatures in animals could help

Subspecialties Biochemistry and molecular biology

A Longer Life With Liver Cancer

| Luke Turner

Targeting a pathway that promotes cancer immune evasion could prolong immunotherapy and reduce its side effects for liver cancer patients

Inside the Lab Biochemistry and molecular biology

Super Method Seeks Cancer's Kryptonite

| Jonathan James

The combination of genome-scale CRISPR experiments and powerful computational approaches has created a Cancer Dependency Map

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology


| Jonathan James

A neural network called STORK can predict embryo quality with over 90 percent accuracy, offering fresh hope for successful in vitro fertilization.

Diagnostics Analytical science

Now Streaming: Spectral Simplification

| Jonathan James

An algorithm originally developed for Netflix shows promise to improve the diagnostic applications of Raman spectroscopy.

Diagnostics Hematology

A SMArter Way to Diagnose Diabetes

| Michael Schubert

A new technique that spots damaged blood vessels by detecting proteins in the bloodstream could lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment of diabetes

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology

Go with the Flow

| Mike Keeney, Jeannine Holden

Flow cytometric immunophenotyping can speed up and standardize the diagnosis of leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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