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Barnali Das

I grew up in a very small town in India. Sometimes, when growing up in places like my hometown, it can be difficult to envision where you may end up. I am grateful for the many opportunities that opened up to me – everything from features in the national newspapers, three orations and many national and international awards from IFCC, AACC, ACBI, AMBI, and CAP. Accomplishments like the White Knight Award and Custodian of Humanity Award for my work within our COVID-19 taskforce launched me to higher pedestals of self-confidence. It’s because of my upbringing that I am passionate about creating the same opportunities for young people entering medicine today. Public outreach and scientific literacy are areas very close to my heart, and so I proudly offer my time as a guide for graduate and postgraduate students in biochemistry, immunology, and chemical pathology across India and Sri Lanka. 

Looking back to my childhood years growing up in that small town – back when the internet did not rule the world – I can see the effect that my surroundings had on me. It was my childhood love for reading and the nature around me that slowly metamorphosed into a passion for writing, painting, music, and public speaking – all things that are more relevant to pathology than you might think. Though I am proud of my professional accomplishments, it is important to remember that we are much more than people in lab coats. For me, that means starting and ending every day with meditation and yoga. It brings me calm to know that, though I love my career, there is a whole world out there to be a part of.

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