A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
01/21/2020 | Luke Turner
After Michael Misialek contacted Robby Krieger of legendary rock band The Doors, they teamed up to raise crucial funds – and awareness – for pathology
01/20/2020 | Michael Schubert
How has pathology changed over the last five years – and what doesn’t seem to have changed at all?
Jim Lanier enjoyed a successful 33-year career in pathology – but he now fills his time with an usual yet thrilling hobby in Alaska!
01/15/2020 | David Rimm
David Rimm continues the conversation about the best assay for atezolizumab after a recent response to his original article
01/14/2020 | Luke Turner
A new algorithm finds that a quality control process to remove nonsense mutations in our immune system could be having an undesired effect
Case of the Month is back for 2020! Can you diagnose this 71-year-old female who presented with an incidental osseous nasal septum mass?
01/11/2020 | Richard Huang, Veronica Klepeis
The FDA has introduced new regulatory frameworks to ease digital medical devices’ transition to market – so why aren’t pathology companies using them?
01/10/2020 | Simon Parker
Healthcare services face mounting pressures each winter – but rapid, reliable diagnostics can help
01/07/2020 | Luke Turner
A link between cfDNA concentration and progression-free survival in glioblastoma patients supports the use of liquid biopsy when predicting prognosis
12/29/2019 | Luke Turner
A blood-based triage test for TB could provide a cheap and reliable point-of-care diagnostic for people in low-resource areas
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Genetic Counseling
The Future Lies in Phenomic Medicine
Trusted Bodies for PGx