A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
06/22/2015 | Fedra Pavlou
Sitting Down With… Mamar Gelaye, Chief Executive Officer, Omnyx, LLC Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Despite the intrinsic value of the ancient autopsy, it’s already extinct in some hospitals. Can it be saved?
05/26/2015 | Mauro Panteghini
The EFLM President weighs in on preanalytical phase errors and what can be done about them.
05/22/2015 | Elisa Piv, Mario Plebani
Why it is vital to define critical values and establish standard procedures for reporting them.
05/22/2015 | Mike Hallworth
Helpings labs to understand their role in clinical care, and to impact and improve patient outcomes.
05/22/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
Preanalytical accuracy in surgical pathology targeted by new recommendations
Bioinformatics gets a boost from educational and training initiatives
Current tests for nephropathy may not be good enough; but research could yield new options for effective diagnosis
05/22/2015 | Fedra Pavlou
Countries should be uniting against “wasteful medical practices” and “harmful tests”. But how realistic is change?
05/21/2015 | Stephen Church, Michael Cornes, Pinar Eker, Kjell Grankvist, Mercè Ibarz, Gunn Berit Berge Kristensen, Edmée van Dongen-Lases, Giuseppe Lippi, Luděk Šprongl
The views of the members of the EFLM Working Group for Preanalytical Phase
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Lessons from the Power List: Challenges
The Genome Pioneer
The Value of Neuropathology