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Guidelines and recommendations

Inside the Lab Pathologists’ assistants

The Art of Grossing

| Michael Schubert, Cory Nash, Jesse McCoy

Pathologists’ assistants Cory Nash and Jesse McCoy unpick the AAPA’s Grossing Guidelines and provide an insight into the gross examination of tissue

Diagnostics Genetics and epigenetics

Reference Genome Refresh

| Luke Turner

An analysis of 1,000 Swedish genomes reveals greater heterogeneity and shows why the human reference genome needs updating

Inside the Lab Laboratory management

The Tip of the Iceberg?

| Michael Schubert

Washing and reusing pipette tips could open the door to a greener and cheaper future for laboratories

Outside the Lab Guidelines and recommendations

The Blue Books Are Back!

| Luke Turner

The WHO’s Classification of Tumors series is entering its fifth edition – and many accessibility improvements make the latest Blue Books the best yet

Inside the Lab Regulation and standards

Wasting the Gift of Life?

| Sumit Mohan

Kidney discard rates are higher than ever – but the procurement biopsies that often rule out their use are unreliable and need to be standardized

Diagnostics Genetics and epigenetics

The Right Dose for the Right Person

| Michael Schubert

New guidelines for CYPC29 genotyping ensure that the correct alleles are tested and patients are prescribed the correct doses of common drugs

Subspecialties Microbiology and immunology

Gonorrhea: A Rising Resistance

| Suneeta Soni, Tariq Sadiq

With the increasing emergence of multidrug-resistant gonorrhoea strains, we interview two experts to discover how we can combat the issue

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