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Technology and innovation

Inside the Lab Digital and computational pathology

Piloting Progress

| Chris Scarisbrick

New digital pathology pilot program is exploring ways to turn early cancer diagnosis into reality.

Inside the Lab Oncology

Origin Unknown? Not For Long...

| Roisin McGuigan

A computer algorithm could help shed light on the origins of metastatic cancers

Inside the Lab Neurology

Removing Margins of Error

| Babar Vaqas

Raman spectroscopy teamed with mass spectrometry could deliver fast diagnoses in brain cancer.

Inside the Lab Profession

Education for the Gamer Generation

| Judy Gnarpe, Michael Schubert

Learning games are underused, but offer an effective way to engage students and could help them understand and retain knowledge.

Inside the Lab Digital and computational pathology

Tissue Cartography

| Roisin McGuigan

A new imaging modality could make it possible to navigate tissue specimens with the speed and detail of Google Maps

Inside the Lab Hematology

“Lab in a Needle” a Not Too Distant Reality?

| Roisin McGuigan

Researchers hope to create a device that can draw, process and test blood in just 30 minutes

Diagnostics Oncology

A Diagnostic That’s Easy to Swallow?

| Rebecca Fitzgerald

A new device, the Cytosponge, could pair with biomarker testing to offer an effective, low-cost way to diagnose and stratify Barrett’s esophagus

Inside the Lab Oncology

The Circle of Life

| Michael Schubert

Tumor-activated DNA minicircles offer a potential solution for cancer detection, treatment, or both.

Diagnostics Training and education

The Future Is Here! But How Do We Deal With It?

| Mathew Diggle

Molecular diagnostics provide us with huge amounts of data – but, as a profession, we’re still working on the best ways of collecting and using it

Inside the Lab Omics

Pregnancy Risk Predictor

| Roisin McGuigan

Will the risk of miscarriage or the promise of twins make it into at-home tests?

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