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Inside the Lab

Inside the Lab Quality assurance and quality control

Where Is Diversity in Genetic Studies?

| Liv Gaskill

Meta-analyses show how genetic studies that examine only a single ethnicity or ancestry may be overlooking important hematological traits

Inside the Lab Precision medicine

Finding a Cancer Treatment (NCI-)MATCH

| Liv Gaskill

Findings from the NCI-MATCH precision medicine trial provide insight into tumor gene testing for targeted cancer treatment

Inside the Lab Laboratory management

Diagnosing Cancer With Confidence

| Sponsored by ContextVision

How bringing AI into the laboratory workflow can benefit both pathologist and patient

Inside the Lab Bioinformatics

Quick Hits

| Liv Gaskill

A whistle-stop roundup of the latest research in pathology and laboratory medicine

Inside the Lab Technology and innovation

Catching Viral RNA Translation in the Act

Bicistronic biosensor illuminates when a virus hijacks its host

Inside the Lab Digital and computational pathology

Expanding Our (Digital) Horizons

| E. Blair Holladay

How digital pathology allows labs to meet the needs of patients not just locally, but around the world

Inside the Lab Digital and computational pathology

Digitize to Overcome

| Monika Lamba

How has COVID-19 accelerated the rise of digital pathology? Plus: a bonus audio Pandemic Diary entry from Monika Lamba Saini

Inside the Lab Technology and innovation

The Future of Digital Pathology

| Michael Schubert, Luke Turner

We speak to Jonhan Ho and Sylvain Mailhot to explore the value of digital pathology – and how its adoption can be encouraged

Inside the Lab Precision medicine

Learning and Growing with In-House Testing

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Keeping molecular testing in-house offers benefits for pathologists, oncologists, and patients

Inside the Lab Precision medicine

Precision Profiling and its Promise for Pathology

| Michael Schubert

An expert roundtable on the future of molecular medicine in pathology

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