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Laboratory management

Inside the Lab Clinical care

Leading the Pack

| Marisa Saint Martin

Pathologists hold the key to diagnostic management teams – and diagnostic management teams have a lot to contribute to patient care

Outside the Lab Biochemistry and molecular biology

Pre-Empting Relapse

| Luke Turner

A new DNA test that can detect treatment-resistant mutations could prove crucial for patients with acute myeloid leukemia, providing an early indication that targeted therapeutic intervention is needed

Subspecialties Biochemistry and molecular biology

An Untrustworthy Myeloma Assay?

The serum free light chain assay for myeloma may miss as many as one in four cases of lambda chain-associated disease, so additional testing is advised

Inside the Lab Profession

The Missing Act

With so many festivals and events aimed at sharing science with the public, why is laboratory medicine so often absent?

Outside the Lab Clinical care

Antibiotic Test Results – Done Right

| Sponsored by Beckman Coulter

An advanced system can identify pathogens and detect broad-ranging resistance, allowing pathologists to select the most appropriate drugs with accuracy and speed

Inside the Lab Profession

It Takes a Village

| E. Blair Holladay

From drawing blood to managing laboratories, there is a whole network of professionals working together to provide optimal patient care

Inside the Lab Companion diagnostics

Fluid Evidence

Liquid biopsy can help us appropriately treat patients with anti-PD-L1 immunotherapies, and ddPCR enables ongoing monitoring and adjustment of treatment

Outside the Lab Clinical care

Better Biomarkers for AD R&D

| Carlo Medici

For better diagnosis and monitoring of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as drug R&D, we need to move toward widespread use of MRI biomarker imaging, even if blood screening tests become a reality

Inside the Lab Profession

Benchmarking: How Sure Are You?

| E. Blair Holladay

How can you use benchmarking to learn and improve?

Inside the Lab Analytical science

Coming Soon: Third-Wave Diagnostics

| Jason Heikenfeld

The need for continuous and contextual biochemical data is clearer than ever, and enabling technology may be just around the corner

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