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Laboratory management

Inside the Lab Laboratory management

Come Together

| Dariusz Borys

Interdisciplinary collaboration can build strong pathology departments and offer patients faster, more accurate diagnosis

Outside the Lab Profession

Peer-to-Peer, Featuring Fred Plapp

| Ivan Damjanov, Fred Plapp

Ivan Damjanov interviews Fred Plapp about his career, his clinical pathology inventions, and the educational website he and his son have developed

Inside the Lab Laboratory management

The Value of One

| Michael Schubert

It’s easy to underestimate the importance of a single laboratory task or a single person – but to do so is a mistake

Inside the Lab Digital and computational pathology

Routine Diagnosis: 100 Percent Digital

| Juan Antonio Retamero

How converting one hospital system to fully digitized diagnosis has increased efficiency and provided excellent return on investment

Outside the Lab Profession

Lessons Learned, with Jeanie Martin

| Jeanie Martin

A stalwart of biomedical science discusses her illustrious career and how the evolution of tissue typing has affected kidney transplantation rates

Inside the Lab Laboratory management

Bank With Us

| Michael Schubert

We speak to experts from the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure to learn why biobanking is so crucial to disease research

Inside the Lab Laboratory management

Mistakes Happen

| Bamidele Farinre

It’s important to alleviate the impact of medical errors on patients – but we can't ignore their emotional impact on laboratory medicine professionals

Inside the Lab Laboratory management

The Tip of the Iceberg?

| Michael Schubert

Washing and reusing pipette tips could open the door to a greener and cheaper future for laboratories

Inside the Lab Quality assurance and quality control

The Value of Extended Availability

| Samuel Reichberg, MD, PhD, FCAP

QC operations are costly for laboratories – but more efficient materials with better long-term stability can reduce those investments and save lives

Inside the Lab Laboratory management

Fostering Quality

| E. Blair Holladay

No investment is more important for laboratory quality and patient care than investment in laboratory personnel.

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