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Analytical science

Outside the Lab Profession

The Epigenomic Explorer

| Joanna Cummings

We sit down with 2018 Biemann Medal winner Benjamin Garcia to discuss the value of mentorship and how it has shaped his research on histones

Diagnostics Analytical science

An Analytical Pill

| Michael Schubert

An electronic gas-sensing capsule may increase diagnostic and monitoring accuracy in disorders of the digestive tract

Subspecialties Analytical science

A Lasting Legacy

| Mary J. Wirth

A story of war, famine, epigenetics, and how all three colluded to change the phenotype of a generation of babies – and beyond

Diagnostics Analytical science

Sensing the Tiniest Change

| Menno Prins

New biomarker sensing technology can detect miniscule concentrations of molecules in the blood to assist with patient monitoring

Inside the Lab Analytical science

Shining a Brighter Light

| Srikanth Singamaneni

A new “plasmonic patch” can enhance fluorescence-based detection and imaging for research and in the clinic

Inside the Lab Analytical science

No Label? No Problem!

A new approach, wide-field mid-IR microscopy, can help identify biomarkers and diagnose and classify cancers without the need for labeling

Inside the Lab Analytical science

Coming Soon: Third-Wave Diagnostics

| Jason Heikenfeld

The need for continuous and contextual biochemical data is clearer than ever, and enabling technology may be just around the corner

Outside the Lab Analytical science

Quick Hits

| William Aryitey

A roundup of interesting stories surrounding pathology

Diagnostics Biochemistry and molecular biology

The Human Element

| Charlotte Barker

Measuring biomarkers to assess the impact of e-cigarettes

Diagnostics Analytical science

Real-Time Tumor Analysis

| William Aryitey

MALDI and a SpiderMass device could save valuable surgery time

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