A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
06/23/2022 | Peter Wrighton-Smith | 4 min read
The decades-long fight for T cells to earn their place in the limelight
Can you solve the latest case of the month?
From medical technology to infection prevention, Joshua Hyke shares his journey to combine laboratory expertise with direct patient care
Rodney E. Rohde talks rabies, public health, and the evolution of his laboratory career
Jeyrroy Gabriel talks dermatopathology, Moh’s micrographic surgery, and the highs and lows of being a biomedical scientist
Robert Dunn shares life as a biomedical scientist involved in cytogenetics for blood disorder diagnosis and treatment
05/10/2022 | George Francis Lee
A new technique can show protein activation status on FFPE tissue samples without loss of spatial information
05/02/2022 | Ehab Atallah
CML patients in remission are eager to discontinue TKI treatment – but how can we be sure which will experience durable treatment-free remission?
05/02/2022 | George Francis Lee
The latest news in pathology research
04/28/2022 | Liv Gaskill
Can hair glucocorticoid levels provide an indication of HIV progression?
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Lessons from the Power List: Challenges
The Genome Pioneer
The Value of Neuropathology