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Microbiology and immunology

Outside the Lab Microbiology and immunology

Built for Speed

| Johan Elf

UTIs yield many antibiotic prescriptions - could a new test help selective prescribing?

Outside the Lab Technology and innovation

A Smart Approach to Testing

| Brian Cunningham

A new lab-on-a-chip for nucleic acid analysis works with your smartphone

Inside the Lab Screening and monitoring

Fostering Better Care

| Michael Schubert

Children entering foster care receive extensive, but not always cost-effective, screening

Subspecialties Analytical science

Dark Fields and Diagnostic Disks

| Michael Schubert

New devices for detecting tuberculosis may speed up diagnosis and improve treatment

Diagnostics Microbiology and immunology

Gut Feeling

| James Strachan

Can the microbiome predict the likelihood of chemotherapy side effects?

Outside the Lab Biochemistry and molecular biology

Molecules Against Microbes

| Gunjot Rana, Sherry Dunbar

As molecular diagnostic methods evolve, so does our approach to microbial testing

Outside the Lab Profession

A Light in the Darkness

| Marta Cohen

After the loss of an infant or child, uncovering the cause of death can be difficult

Subspecialties Forensics

A Simpler System

| Jaume Ordi

Minimally invasive autopsies can improve death investigation in resource-limited settings

Subspecialties Clinical care

When Minutes Matter

| Michael Schubert

New tests can speed sepsis diagnosis, ensuring patients get the right treatment fast

Subspecialties Bioinformatics

Creating an Immune Inventory

| Roisin McGuigan

An EHR-derived phenotypic disease catalog allows replication of decades of work on HLAs

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