A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
06/24/2022 | Jelena Krcedinac Marks | 7 min read
Autopsy is a valuable part of pathology training – but how do we get students and pathologists to see that?
Outreach starts young – which is why Jim Payne teaches high school students medical laboratory and phlebotomy skills
06/17/2022 | Michael Schubert
Invested in autopsy and its role in educating the next-gen pathologists and medical professionals? Hear thoughts from a panel of autopsy experts
Can you solve the latest case of the month?
Rodney E. Rohde talks rabies, public health, and the evolution of his laboratory career
06/06/2022 | Gary Procop
Advice for the next generation of pathologists and laboratory medicine professionals
06/01/2022 | E. Blair Holladay | 3 min read
E. Blair Holladay discusses what the pandemic has taught us about innovating in residency education
05/27/2022 | Liv Gaskill | 7 min read
We sit down with Jo Horne to discuss the Scientist Training Program, current challenges in biomedical science, and the need for reform in the field
05/19/2022 | Haneen Salah, Jae Y. Ro
Jae Y. Ro shares the teaching style that has inspired hundreds of students.
05/17/2022 | Mark Wick
Mark Wick explains the importance of understanding pathology, no matter what branch of medicine you pursue
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Lessons from the Power List: Challenges
The Genome Pioneer
The Value of Neuropathology