A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
10/27/2015 | Chelsea Maedler
As the pathology profession evolves and transitioning to work becomes more challenging, the importance of mentoring becomes greater than ever.
10/26/2015 | José I. López
Pathologists have regressed from eminence to anonymity – how did it happen and what should we do about it?
10/26/2015 | Judy Gnarpe, Michael Schubert
Learning games are underused, but offer an effective way to engage students and could help them understand and retain knowledge.
10/25/2015 | Patrick Pauwels
New technologies and molecular discoveries are changing the way diagnoses are made. But how will already burdened molecular pathology labs cope with more cases and restricted budgets?
10/25/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
We Sit Down With Mauro Panteghini, Professor, University of Milan, Italy, and President of the EFLM.
10/23/2015 | Fedra Pavlou
…the story of the pathologist who rattled the US sporting world
09/28/2015 | Richard Haspel
A new approach aims to answer the urgent need for genomic pathology education
09/28/2015 | Michael Schubert
How research and pathology can prepare you for a life of teaching, learning and innovating
09/28/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
Sitting Down With… Blair Holladay, CEO of the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
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