A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
05/07/2024 | Jessica Allerton | 3 min read
A new microscopy technique reveals the secrets of lipid synthesis inside living cells
03/14/2024 | Helen Bristow | 5 min read
The story of the OpenFlexure 3D-printable microscope
01/19/2024 | Mike Schumacher
Some powerful fluorescent microscopy in this Image of the Month…
01/17/2024 | Georgia Hulme | 3 min read
Desirée Moffitt on how microscopy allows us to see the hidden gems of our world
12/04/2023 | Danielle Beckman
Painting the tau red. And pink… And green…
10/04/2023 | Gloria Sura
A look into a colourful cervical pap smear
08/11/2023 | Craig Horbinski
A photogenic (and purple!) stain of cartilage
07/11/2023 | Amy Meitus, Ahmed Bentahar | 7 min read
How can digitizing microscopy transform hematopathology? Ahmed Bentahar and Amy Meitus explain
A 60-year-old male with a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer presents with a bothersome preauricular nodule
01/18/2023 | George Francis Lee | 2 min read
Does idiopathic plasmacytic lymphadenopathy warrant its own disease subgroup?
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Genetic Counseling
The Future Lies in Phenomic Medicine
Trusted Bodies for PGx