A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
06/26/2017 | Antonia R. Sepulveda
New collaborative guidelines for molecular biomarker testing in colorectal cancer
06/26/2017 | Roisin McGuigan
Two experts explain why they believe ctDNA analysis is the future of cancer pathology
George Calin, Professor, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, and Co-Director, The Center for RNA Interference and Non-coding RNAs, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
06/26/2017 | Andreas Hühmer
To win the war on cancer, we need to put proteomics on an equal footing with genomics
06/26/2017 | Michael Schubert
New biomarkers could predict cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease patients
Ultrasensitive mutation analysis could boost the potential of liquid biopsy
05/19/2017 | Michael Schubert
A genome-wide study shows that anorexia isn't purely psychiatric: metabolic factors also play a role
A test to profile intestinal microbiota could help diagnose inflammatory bowel disease
Can genetic home test kits ever be a good thing?
04/24/2017 | Tom Metz
Protocols that allow multiple simultaneous -omic studies are the way of the future
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Lessons from the Power List: Challenges
The Genome Pioneer
The Value of Neuropathology