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Ann M. Gronowski

When I arrived at Washington University in 1993 to train, there wasn’t a single female member of faculty in our division. By the time I joined the faculty, there was one other. I felt very much like an underdog. I have had great mentors during my career, but virtually all are male. I really wish there had been more senior, female role-models and mentors. I guess that is why I am passionate about mentoring – young women especially. There is nothing that gives me as much pleasure as watching the success of those I have mentored. I am proud to have played a small role in their achievements. If I had to provide words of advice for young faculty and trainees, I would say: you are smarter than you think you are. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and be yourself. Embrace the attributes that come naturally to you. Many women tend to be more empathetic, nurturing, and maternalistic. If that’s you, embrace it, don’t try to change it. Women can be strong leaders just as they are, they don’t need to change.

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