Rachel Jug
The Power List 2019
Rachel Jug
Rachel is a resident and future cytopathology fellow at Duke Health in Durham, North Carolina. She was nominated for her passion and dedication to innovations in education and patient care, which nominators say are at the level of a pathologist with many more years in practice. Rachel is driven by her ambition to improve the practice of medicine, from the way that feedback is given and received, to making ultrasound phantoms for ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration training, to bringing pathologists to the forefront of communication and patient care. When asked what she would change about the field if she could, Rachel says, “I would give pathologists a stronger voice to advocate for their patients. Pathologists are remarkable educators with a unique breadth and depth of knowledge; they are best suited to help patients, their clinical colleagues, hospital administrators, and health policy makers understand disease processes and drive evidence-based, cost-effective care.”