A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
08/21/2017 | Jaume Ordi
Minimally invasive autopsies can improve death investigation in resource-limited settings
08/21/2017 | Suzy Lishman
Changes to UK death investigation must improve service and increase awareness of value
08/21/2017 | Guy Rutty
Post-mortem cross-sectional imaging, supplemented with angiography, is minimally invasive
08/21/2017 | Tom Baden and André Maia Chagas
Open-source labware can potentially replace some expensive laboratory equipment
08/21/2017 | Josephine Bunch
Meet the researchers using mass spectrometry imaging to plot a molecular map of malignancy
08/21/2017 | Alberto Bardelli
Liquid biopsy allows cancer investigation without applying invasive procedures to patients
08/21/2017 | Matthew Giefer
New gene mutations associated with recurrent and chronic pancreatitis in children
08/18/2017 | Viren N. Naik
Simulation has an important place in medical education – now is the time to get on board
08/18/2017 | Michael Schubert
Kona Williams, Junior Forensic Pathologist and First Nations Liaison at the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, Toronto, Canada
08/18/2017 | Dominic Allen
Biobanks can operate efficiently and successfully by learning from the automotive industry
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