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Subspecialties Hematology

Venetoclax and VIALE-A: Elevating the Treatment Standard in Older Patients with AML

| Sanam Loghavi, Kamran Mirza, Curtis Lachowiez, Courtney D. DiNardo

The final case in our series on myeloid neoplasms

Subspecialties Hematology

Myelodysplastic Syndrome with Excess Blasts and Fibrosis

| Sanam Loghavi, Kamran Mirza, Mikkael Sekeres

The third case in our series on myeloid neoplasms

Subspecialties Hematology

Myelodysplastic Syndrome/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm with Monocytosis

| Sanam Loghavi, Kamran Mirza, Mrinal M. Patnaik

The second case in our series on myeloid neoplasms

Subspecialties Hematology

Clonal Cytopenia of Uncertain Significance or Myelodysplastic Syndrome?

| Sanam Loghavi, Kamran Mirza, David Steensma

The first case in our series on myeloid neoplasms

Subspecialties Hematology

Myeloid Neoplasms

| Attilio Orazi

An introduction and brief historical perspective

Diagnostics Infectious disease

COVID-19 Vaccine Approval

| Stephanie Vine

The UK approves Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use.

Subspecialties Profession


| Sanam Loghavi, Kamran Mirza

Join us on a journey through hematopathology and hematology-oncology

Outside the Lab Profession

The Power of Collaboration

| E. Blair Holladay

Only by pulling together can we defeat the COVID-19 pandemic – and whatever else the future has in store

Inside the Lab Quality assurance and quality control

Where Is Diversity in Genetic Studies?

| Liv Gaskill

Meta-analyses show how genetic studies that examine only a single ethnicity or ancestry may be overlooking important hematological traits

Diagnostics Genetics and epigenetics

It’s Better With Meta

| Michael Schubert

Could metagenomic testing improve infectious disease diagnosis across the board?

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