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Outside the Lab Regulation and standards

The Devil is in the Detail

| Julia Baker

How to optimize the preclinical pathology applied to cellular therapeutics

Outside the Lab Oncology

The Great Prostate Debate

| Roisin McGuigan

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) assay: essential part of prostate cancer diagnosis or public menace? We fire up the discussion with five expert views.

Inside the Lab Training and education

A Rather Unconventional Career

| Mai H. Le

Industry and drug development: how opportunities for pathologists extend beyond pathology

Diagnostics Oncology

Uro Star

| Antonio López Beltrán

Sitting Down With… Antonio López Beltrán, Professor at the University of Cordoba, Spain, and Director of Anatomic Pathology at the Champalimaud Cancer Center, Lisbon, Portugal.

Outside the Lab Training and education

Fighting Pigeonholes

| Rich Whitworth

Last month, we threw down the gauntlet and urged you to face reality: pathologists don’t always get the respect they deserve.

Outside the Lab Training and education

The Last Respite of the Socially Inept?

| Michael Schubert

Negative stereotypes about pathology are damaging the field – but exactly what are those stereotypes, and how do we defeat them?

Inside the Lab Regulation and standards

The Bottom-Up Approach to Quality Assurance

| Linda Thienpont, Dietmar Stöckl

Lab testing is critical for diagnosis and monitoring - but how do we know tests are fit?

Outside the Lab Genetics and epigenetics

Opening the Floodgates

| Fedra Pavlou

The controversial approval of a home-based DNA test kit in the UK raises eyebrows.

Outside the Lab Training and education

Revving Up Reform

| Jane Kirkup

Changes to pathology services are needed now more than ever. Why are they taking so long?

Outside the Lab Microbiology and immunology

Committed to Improvement, Committed to Change

| Fraser Charlton

Sitting Down With… Fraser Charlton, Consultant Pathologist and Head of Department, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

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