A celebration of the inspirational figures behind innovation and achievement in pathology and laboratory medicine
06/26/2017 | David LeBrun and John Bartlett
Changing the face of Canadian cancer research by boosting molecular pathology education
06/26/2017 | Michael Schubert
How understanding the brain mechanisms involved in diagnosis can help reduce medical error
06/26/2017 | Roisin McGuigan
George Calin, Professor, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, and Co-Director, The Center for RNA Interference and Non-coding RNAs, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
06/23/2017 | Fedra Pavlou
Worried about the future of pathology? It's time to work together to become leaders.
05/19/2017 | Gene Elliott
Can laboratories cope with the rising pressure to adopt new diagnostic technologies?
05/19/2017 | Ulysses Balis
Could patient-facing pathologists close the information gap?
05/19/2017 | Michael Schubert
Susan Branford, Associate Professor, Department of Genetics and Molecular Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia
05/19/2017 | Carol Cheung
Tools that quantify the (increasing) workloads of (increasingly) busy pathologists can help with staffing decisions
05/19/2017 | Raymond Maung
Just how much should pathologists be working - and what happens if we exceed our limits?
05/19/2017 | David Booker
Open minds and eyes are the requirements for the future of pathology
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Lessons from the Power List: Challenges
The Genome Pioneer
The Value of Neuropathology