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Outside the Lab

Outside the Lab Regulation and standards


| Fedra Pavlou, Michael Schubert

Social media: what can it do for you, and how is it impacting pathology?

Outside the Lab Microbiology and immunology

From Cell Cultures to Multiplex PCR

| Udo Margraff

Infectious disease diagnostics keep improving, but which methods should you focus on?

Outside the Lab Oncology

A Golden Opportunity?

| Dror Fixler

A new, noninvasive approach to cancer imaging uses gold nanorods and reflected light to detect even small tumors

Outside the Lab Profession

Why Did I Choose Toxicology?

| David Vearrier, Naren Gunja, Jeffrey Brent, Schantel Hayes, Peter Hall

Five toxicologic pathologists offer their perspective on forging a career in toxicology.

Outside the Lab Profession

The Pharmaceutical Pathologist

| Peter Hall

Big pharma needs pathologists - toxicology is essential in getting drugs from bench to bedside.

Outside the Lab Training and education

Tweet Up!

| Fedra Pavlou

We are successfully communicating with the pathology community in 140 characters. Why aren’t you?

Outside the Lab Regulation and standards

Reshaping Recommendations

| Janet Simons, Andrew Don-Wauchope

Making clinical practice guidelines work for pathologists

Outside the Lab Regulation and standards

The Devil is in the Detail

| Julia Baker

How to optimize the preclinical pathology applied to cellular therapeutics

Outside the Lab Oncology

The Great Prostate Debate

| Roisin McGuigan

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) assay: essential part of prostate cancer diagnosis or public menace? We fire up the discussion with five expert views.

Outside the Lab Oncology

Faster Blood Cancer Screening

| Roisin McGuigan

Could Rapid Heme Panel become a mainstay in blood cancer diagnosis and management?

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