In 2014 they dealt with over 42,000 new cases, and almost 143,000 H&E stains. When they needed additional capacity, Cheltenham looked at the available options for their staining and coverslipping. Initially, they had a combined unit at the top of their “ideal” list. However a trial of such a system gave disappointing results, and they found that they just didn’t get on with it at all. A number of instruments were trialled and after performing favourably and being on the NHS preferred supplier framework, Thermo Scientific’s Gemini AS autostainer and Clearvue coverslipper were selected. The Gemini features five heaters, 26 reagent pots and intelligent software to maximize throughput even with multiple racks and protocols. The ClearVue coverslipper can manage up to 11 slide racks simultaneously, and can automatically handle both histology and cytology slides.

After installing these instruments, the Cheltenham staff soon found that their workflow was optimized far better than they thought possible. As the Deputy Lab Manager explains, “the bottleneck is now at the end of the workflow, needing staff to sort and label the slides. With Gemini you can have 12 racks on the go and you know every single rack is going to take the same amount of time.” While laboratory throughput typically remains at a consistent level, issues such as staffing shortages can often lead to backlogs building up. In January this year, the Gemini and ClearVue certainly proved their worth. As the Deputy Lab Manager again explains, “We had nine people cutting all day, every day for 2 weeks to clear the backlog, and it all went through the Gemini. We were processing over 2,000 slides per day with no problem at all. We were running out of racks because it was going through so fast! Having the Gemini and ClearVue now, I wouldn’t specify a combined unit.” In line with all NHS trusts, the Cheltenham General Hospital is under pressure to meet targets for sample turnaround and optimized patient care. In fact they now meet the required throughput time for 100 percent of biopsies. The Gemini enables them to rush any urgent samples through quickly, and automatically prioritizes such samples for fastest turnaround. The Deputy Manager again explains, “Before, there would be another day’s delay queuing for the staining machine. Families and lives are on the end of it, and we certainly couldn’t have achieved that before having the Gemini.” With future plans including bringing vital HER2 testing in-house, Cheltenham’s workload is only going to increase. After the success of Gemini, the Deputy Lab Manager concluded, “We’d have no problem in just going for another Gemini. We’d really struggle without it now.”