December 5, 2019
16:00 GMT
Whilst NGS has been instrumental to precision oncology research progress, practical hurdles have still been hindering its broad implementation…………Not anymore.
Thermo Fisher Scientific has just introduced the Ion Torrent Genexus System, the first fully integrated, NGS platform featuring an automated specimen to report workflow that delivers results economically in a single day.
In combination with new Oncomine Precision Assay, the Genexus system represents a next generation solution for genomic profiling and set the stage for the molecular pathology labs in the future perform genomic profiling with speed and simplicity of traditional testing modalities, such as immunohistochemistry.
During this webinar you will learn
How Genexus System is addressing key challenges to NGS implementation, such as high level of expertise and hands on work requirements as well as cost and time to result.
Why in combination with new Oncomine Precision Assay it composes a new generation solution for genomic profiling of cancer samples.
About experience of the first laboratory which is implementing this solution – IPATIMUB in Portugal.