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Do You Know?

What percentage of patients who died of COVID-19 in the intensive care units of major US medical centers (up to May 1, 2020) suffered from respiratory failure?

  1. 15 percent
  2. 35 percent
  3. 50 percent
  4. 93 percent

Answer: D. 93 percent

These data were reported by the multicenter STOP-COVID research group (Study of the Treatment and Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19). The study included a cohort of 2,215 COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICUs of 65 participating US hospitals (1).

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  1. S Gupta et al., JAMA Intern Med, 180, 1 (2020). PMID: 32667668.
About the Author
Ivan Damjanov

Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Kansas, Kansas City, USA.

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