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VMscope’s “CognitionMaster Professional Suite” image analysis modules count >1000 cells via multi-HPF analysis and assesses tumor heterogeneity in a minimum of time. There is no need to handle image files - Ki67Quantifier grabs images from the microscope camera or the WSI viewer. Stroma and inflammation cells are automatically excluded. The software creates a report including all selected images for a case and the overall statistics. The Quantification results can be transferred to the LIMS via interface. The whole system is integrated into several pathology information systems for a seamless workflow. Info: VMscope is based in Berlin, Germany and focused on digital pathology software systems. As the company is vendor-independent, all solutions are open to any slide scanner format. The concept is to offer easy to use, affordable and well integrated software that can furthermore be adapted to customer needs where necessary. The product range covers web slide portals for e-learning, live conferences or tele-consultation, digital pathology windows software for WSI viewing, LIMS integration and research and imaging solutions for automated Ki67, ER, PR, CD3 quantification and more. Contact Information: VMscope GmbHAddress: Chariteplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49-30 450 536188