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GrossPath – the special worktable designed to ensure a pollution-free environment for slicing and preparing histological slide preparations. This worktable has been designed with a special view to conserving energy and resources – while delivering outstanding extraction results. Buy it, set it up and power it on: thanks to its generously proportioned active-carbon air recirculation system, the GrossPath Special Worktable is ready for immediate use – no need for installing a costly separate ventilation system! All health-hazardous vapors are being vacuumed downwards throughout the entire working area. Formalin concentrations will even be significantly below the maximum allowable concentrations throughout the entire extraction zone.
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Company Information:
KUGEL medical is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality products for histo-pathologies. The main fields of development and production are the whole range of grossing tables and exhaust systems for harmful vapors. Our years of experience have enabled us to create numerous standardized solutions with man individual details, true to our motto “WE CREATE SOLUTIONS”. However, we are not only manufacturers and suppliers but also planers. No matter if you’re looking for a partner for furnishing an entire building complex or a partial fit out. We are your point of contact for all questions concerning designing, developing and planning.
Contact Information:
KUGEL medical GmbH & Co. KG
Hermann-Koehl-Strasse 2 A
DE – 93049 Regensburg / GERMANY
Phone: +49/941/208648-0
Fax: +49/941/208648-29