Laura Severs
Director of Clinical Operations, Washington University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Immunology, USA
Intro to pathology? I’ve always been curious about the world around me, which drew me to a love of science at a young age. As I began to consider life after high school I was challenged to think about how to best incorporate my love of science into a career I would find fulfilling. I knew that whatever I chose it needed to align with my desire to help others. I came to my high school guidance counselor with my conundrum since I didn’t want to be a nurse and at the time I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go to medical school, and she suggested I look into being a medical laboratory scientist. I did a little research, visited a few colleges and the rest is history.
Professional ambitions? I reflect on this often. My answer has changed throughout my career, and I imagine it will continue to change as I grow as a person. Right now, my ambitions are to be a proficient and effective leader who can drive equitable change to make our healthcare landscape better for all patients. I also want to be an active leader in ensuring that the laboratory medicine community is properly recognized for their contributions to the patient care team. We are no longer able to sit on the sidelines and be the behind the scenes heroes, we need to stand up and be there for our patients alongside our other medical professional colleagues.
Dream lab? When I think about a dream laboratory my first thoughts aren’t space, location, or equipment – they’re people. My dream laboratory is a group of people from diverse backgrounds with a passion for patients and high quality laboratory services. I want this laboratory to be a safe space for people to envision the world through a new lens and to be courageous in their innovative ideas. I envision this laboratory to be a space where everyone feels valued by people inside and outside of the laboratory.
Now, second to that – I’d love an open-concept laboratory with a nice view, preferably not in a basement. I’d also love for this laboratory to be the central hub of an institution and to be equipped with all of the appropriate resources and equipment so the scientists and pathologists can deliver high quality care.