Amal Shukri
Attending Pathologist, University Pathology Diagnostics Clinical Services at Rush University Medical Center, USA
Biggest challenge in pathology? One of the most pressing challenges is the shortage of qualified pathologists. The other is the impact of rapidly evolving technology.
Exciting developments and trends? Telepathology stands out as one of the most exciting developments in pathology today.
Book recommendation? "Atomic Habits" by James Clear is a must-read for scientists. The book delves into the science of habit formation and how small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements over time.
Inspiring leader? Historically, Nelson Mandela. Professionally, I have crossed paths with amazing pathologists such as Dr Shadi Qasem, Dr Paolo Gattuso and Dr Arun Gopinath.
Attracting talent… To attract more talented scientists to pathology, we need to introduce more classes and increase exposure to the field in medical schools.