David Wells
Chief Executive, Institute of Biomedical Science, UK; Clinical Director for Pathology, NHS England (London region), UK
Biggest challenge in pathology? The biggest challenge is recognition of the impact that pathology can have on health systems. Pathology has a central role to play in prevention, early diagnostics, access to the right patient pathway and through these improving outcomes. Never more has the term “Right test, right patient, right time” been so important in improving health outcomes.
Exciting developments and trends? Advanced practice of our workforce and new digital tools are the single biggest disruptors into the way we have delivered pathology services historically. If we embrace these, we will ensure a sustainable workforce and improve patient care in a single strike. The reach of laboratory medicine needs to be outside of the laboratory, supporting patients and clinicians in delivering their care with the right information to guide diagnosis and treatment. We can only do that using the extensive workforce we have, better, and equipping everyone with the digital tools to ensure we connect ourselves across care settings.
Raising the profile? Pathology needs to be seen as the key that unlocks efficient and timely healthcare. This means it needs to be on the radar of policy makers and governments. It isn’t just a case of raising awareness, it is more about presenting solutions to the problems we experience in healthcare delivery. Presenting solutions to governments, as the experts, using accessible language and clear examples is how we will consolidate pathology as the underpinning health speciality for the whole of health. Get pathology right, get healthcare right.