
About Aaron Odegard
“Professional organizations like ASCP and ASCLS need passionate volunteers to shape the profession – take advantage of these organizations to grow and make a difference,” says Aaron, who is Laboratory Quality Coordinator at Baptist Health System, Jacksonville, Florida. He is also on the ASCP’s social media team and uses his own social media platforms to advocate for the lab’s role in healthcare. His best career advice? “If you are passionate about your work, others will take an interest and be willing to invest in your career growth. Be brave and take risks. They’ll pay off in the long term.”
Power List Appearance

Part of the Powerlist 2022
Year 2022
Welcome to our annual celebration of the great and inspirational minds that underpin the medical laboratory.

Part of the Powerlist 2021
Year 2021
Welcome to our annual celebration of the great and inspirational minds that underpin the medical laboratory. For 2021, we present some of the most inspirational pathologists and laboratory medicine professionals in six different categories...
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