
About Jeffrey L. Myers
Jeffrey is A. James French Professor of Diagnostic Pathology, Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs and Quality, and Director of Michigan Medicine Laboratories, Department of Pathology, Michigan Medicine. Forming and chairing the first pathology-related Patient and Family Advisory Council, Jeffrey advocates for the patients behind the samples. He pushed to have a Patient Advisor added to the ASCP National Pathology Quality Registry Data Accuracy Task Force and he currently chairs the society’s Patient Champion Steering Committee. What would he be if not a laboratory professional? “Lost [...] Do what you do because you cannot imagine doing anything else, and remember your purpose.”
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Part of the Powerlist 2021
Year 2021
Welcome to our annual celebration of the great and inspirational minds that underpin the medical laboratory. For 2021, we present some of the most inspirational pathologists and laboratory medicine professionals in six different categories...
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