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Outside the Lab Profession

The Power of the List

The nominations have been counted, the judges have deliberated, and now it’s time to share The Pathologist’s inaugural Top 100 Power List. First, a word of thanks – to quote a track from Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Power List could only be put together “with a little help from my friends” – you, our readers.

For a profession that is often viewed as unpretentious and shy of the spotlight, you may wonder why we thought the Power List was a remotely good idea. There were two main reasons: first, to celebrate the exceptional achievements of those who have really had an impact on the field; and second, to highlight the truly groundbreaking work of laboratory medicine and its intrinsic role in patient care and the molecular revolution. In a nutshell, we wanted to give the profession the boost in publicity it so desperately needs and absolutely deserves.

How did we go about it? We began by asking you to cast nomination(s) for those who you consider to be deserving of recognition for their valuable contribution to laboratory medicine – both the trailblazers and the unsung heroes. We collated the nominations and recruited an independent judging panel of eminent laboratory professionals, spanning numerous specialties and geographies, to select their top 100 and rank the 20 that were particularly deserving of attention. We compiled all of the judge’s results to create our final top 100 Power List.

Admittedly, we weren’t sure how you would respond to our nomination request. Of course, not everybody got involved – but many of you did, providing heartfelt and inspiring reasons for your choices. And though we would never claim that our list is definitive, it does echo our objective for each and every issue of The Pathologist – to be the voice of our readers. You may be surprised that someone influential is missing from the list – that is, until you recall that you didn’t nominate him or her either... Why not get involved next time to ensure that your lab champion’s contribution to our vital field of medicine is recognized?

What particularly struck me during the process was the high number of US-based nominees, which resulted in Americans accounting for almost 50 percent of the 2015 Power List. I found myself wondering if the results were reflective of reality; is the US the true center of innovation and evolution in the field of pathology? Or is it more reflective of a greater willingness to embrace our bold and celebratory endeavor? I would value your thoughts.

Regardless of the geographic split, I feel sure you will agree that everyone who made it onto the final list is deserving of praise. And so, without further ado, we invite you to explore and enjoy the 2015 Power List.

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About the Author
Fedra Pavlou

After graduating with a pharmacology degree, I began my career in scientific publishing and communications. Now with more than 16 years of experience in this field, my career has seen me heading up editorial and writing teams at Datamonitor, Advanstar and KnowledgePoint360 group. My past experiences have taught me something very important – that you have to enjoy working with, and have respect for your colleagues. It’s this that drew me to Texere where I now work with old colleagues and new. Though we are a hugely diverse team, we share several things in common – a real desire to work hard to succeed, to be the best at what we do, never to settle for second best, and to have fun while we do it. I am now honored to serve as Editor of The Pathologist and Editorial Director of Texere Publishing.

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