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Pathology Pet Corner: Maui

Credit: Deeksha Sikri

Credit: Deeksha Sikri

Credit: Deeksha Sikri

Credit: Deeksha Sikri

Deeksha Sikri, pathologist educator and avid reader of The Pathologist, contacted us via email to showcase her fluffy friend in this edition of Pathology Pet Corner. Meet Maui – the three year old domestic, short hair tabby.

Taking after his human's love of pathology, the first book Maui climbed over was the latest edition of Robbins and Cotran's Pathological Basis of Disease, and it still remains his favorite lounge spot. He loves sunbathing, running, jumping to great heights to collect treats, and reading whatever books Deeksha happens to be reading while giving affectionate cuddles – on his own terms, of course!

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About the Author
Jessica Allerton

Deputy Editor, The Pathologist

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