The Collins dictionary defines capture, in a visual sense, as “to succeed in representing or describing (something elusive).” There are so many ways to capture an image! We can paint it, mould it, or photograph it. It can be shown in two dimensions or three. We can use paper, yarn, fabric, or metal. Captures can even be edible! The list goes on – and the contributors to this collection of pathology captures have certainly explored that list. Click here to marvel at the images selected for this year’s celebrated exhibition of pathology-inspired art created by you – our readers.
We invite you to pause, enter our peaceful gallery, and let the calmness wash over you. Absorb the visual beauty, and admire the variety of creative means used to capture those breathtaking images. Stroll through our virtual corridors lined with paintings, drawings, needle crafts, and more. Emerge refreshed and inspired and, maybe, reflecting on how to capture the images that inspire you in your work – or outside of it.
If further motivation is needed to unleash your own creative juices, click here to read our interview with pathology resident and artist Meredith Herman. Combining skills in painting, a passion for histology, and a knack for social media, Herman has managed to turn a lockdown project into a successful – not to mention stress-relieving – side hustle.
In fact, I read with interest that 39 percent of US residents now have a side hustle (1). And among young adults from the millennial generation, as many as 50 percent have a money-earning project in addition to their day job (1). Before you cry, “How do they find the time?”, let’s consider the advantages: developing our skills, channeling our creativity, being our own boss, paying off student debts, networking, stress relief…
What about you? Do you put your down time to profitable use? Have you spawned a business from your hobby? If you have an interesting side hustle, The Pathologist would love to hear about it. Write to us at
- CPA. “Recent Data Study Reveals Most Popular Side Hustle in Every U.S. State” (2023). Available at: