Over the last few months, some of you may have seen my name appear in your inbox under the banner: “Willing to change for you.” And I’d like to extend the same offer to those of you who predominantly connect with The Pathologist through the print (or PDF) magazine by asking a question: What would you like to change about The Pathologist? After 88 issues (including this one), we don’t want to make the mistake of resting on our laurels – especially as the field evolves and as your needs change. Perhaps you want more on certain topics or less on others. Maybe you’d value more learning opportunities in the form of quizzes or gamification (check out this article from the inimitable Ivan Damjanov on that niche). Perhaps your answer is simply, “Nothing!” – in which case, thank you. Whatever your needs (or wants), we will strive to satisfy them in 2023 and beyond. My inbox is always open – or you could get in touch the old fashioned way: Texere, Booths Park 1, Chelford Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 8GS, UK. (I’ll freely admit that receiving some actual mail would make my day – possibly year.) While we’re on the subject of change, you will see some new faces pop up in The Pathologist team in the coming months. For one thing, we have to bid a fond farewell to former Deputy Editor Olivia Gaskill – but for all the right reasons. I’m delighted to announce that Olivia is now leading ID Transmission – our new hub for all things infectious disease. That said, I have a feeling that Editor Liv will still have content to share with the pathology and laboratory medicine community, so I guess it’s not really goodbye. ID Transmission represents an exciting evolution of a humble but well received newsletter (any original subscribers to The COVID-19 Curator?!) – and I cannot wait to see where Liv takes her fast-growing community in 2023. But where do you want 2023 – and The Pathologist – to take you?
By Rich Whitworth
Content Director, Texere Publishing