December 2023

December 2023

In November/December’s issue of The Pathologist, Matthew J Cecchini talks to “Pathrick,” his ChatGPT assistant, on the practical applications of artificial intelligence in the pathology lab. Also, see how Pathrick fares when faced with pathological image analysis. Can he tell you what lepidic adenocarcinoma is? Or what cancer looks like under a microscope? Find out in our feature!

Plus much more: unraveling the Tyrolean Iceman’s past with advanced genome sequencing; Zev Leifer describes how we can make practical online resources for pathologists and patients; an interview with Joanne Mason on next-generation diagnostics in reproductive health and precision medicine; an analytical breakdown of Jerad Gardner’s success as a dermpath social media star; and Sitting Down With… David Wells, Chief Executive of The Institute of Biomedical Science.

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