October 2023

October 2023

Fashion is a rare topic in the world of the lab. But recent research has highlighted a disturbing trend within fur farms – one that draws a direct line from the accessories on clothing racks to the potential source of the next pandemic. The demand for fur – and the squalid conditions used to house the animals it comes from – is quickly becoming a concern among expert virologists. So what are the mechanisms behind this link? How do we stop it? All that and more in our fashion-fueled feature.

With much more: An interrogation of the tumor microenvironment with artificial intelligence;; Bamidele Farinre explains why a blaming culture makes for a toxic workplace; a Peer-to-Peer – Ivan Damjanov interviews departing President of the European Society of Pathology, Aleš Ryška; an interview with the researchers of a COVID-19 challenge study; Callum Arthurs on his reasons for digital pathology advocacy; using the aviation industry as inspiration for pathology; how AI spatial pathology is set to become the “next” next-generation sequencing; a how-to on sourcing chemicals by Dave Haase; and Sitting Down With... Aleksandra Zuraw, Veterinary Pathologist at Charles River Laboratories, Fairfield, Pennsylvania, and founder of The Digital Pathology Place.

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