Think big! First, learn your craft and become the best possible pathologist in your area of interest. Embrace new technology and consider new approaches. Test the water, learn new skills, and forge a path for our profession.
Get involved. Go to professional society meetings; they are an avenue to meet like-minded people, form teams, collaborate, learn, and teach.
Share. We all learn as we go through our professional lives. As we learn, we need to share with our community to help others. This ranges from tweets to teaching to poster presentations to peer-reviewed manuscripts of our research findings.
Charge! Don’t just embrace the future; make the future. Use your knowledge and skills to improve everything you touch from the health of individual patients to the broader healthcare community.
Enjoy. Don’t forget to enjoy your family, your morning coffee, the rain… be thankful for your blessings, for collaborative and interesting colleagues, for opportunities to help others, and for an amazing career in which we never stop learning.