This watercolor was painted from a picture the artist made using an AI algorithm to combine a photo of a gynecological slide (superficial squamous cells) with a portrait of Georgios Papanicolaou. Ali Al-Nasser, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait

At The Ohio State College of Medicine, Dr. Charles L. Hitchcock gave many pathology lectures using a time-honored pathology education tool: food analogies. Like many pathologists, he compared small cell carcinoma to oats and the nuclei of Brenner tumors to coffee beans, making it easier for students to identify micrographs during exams. He also used analogies that he may have invented himself, such as comparing Reinke crystals to Twizzlers and ovarian cysts to chocolate cream puffs. These culinary photographs are my tribute to Dr. Hitchcock, who taught so many classes so much. Cynthia Schwartz, The Ohio State University, USA

PAS/d stain of vegetable material. Christina A. Arnold, The Ohio State University, USA

A series of artistic images created using fluorescence deconvolution microscopy. Brian J. Poindexter and Roger J. Bick, Multi-User Fluorescence Imaging and Microscopy Core Lab, UT McGovern Medical School, USA

From outside in: skin, muscle, bone, marrow, blood, kidney, bladder, lung, liver, colon, brain (top center), and heart (bottom center). Aadil Ahmed, Loyola University Chicago, USA

40X PAS stain of skin performed for a foreign body reaction.

40X hematoxylin and eosin stain of a squamous cell carcinoma. Mary E. Landau, MPathy Art, USA

Microliths in a cryptorchid testis. Debra Zynger, The Ohio State University, USA

These pieces are made of Japanese mulberry paper and the gilded edges of old books using a technique called quilling or paper filigree. The artist says, “I find quilling exquisitely satisfying for rendering the densely squished and lovely internal landscape of the human body in cross section.” Lisa Nilsson, Artist, USA. Photographed by John Polak.

For six months of 2018, Pittsburgh-based artist Ashley Cecil served an artist-in-residence at the Richards-Zawacki Lab at the University of Pittsburgh – making artwork about the vulnerable state of amphibians. This particular piece focuses on the lab’s extensive study of chytridiomycosis. Caused by a fungus, this fast-spreading disease is fatal to a staggering number of amphibian species worldwide, in some cases causing extinction. A histological section of an infected frog inspired this visual interpretation of the impact of the disease on one particularly striking species, the Panamanian golden frog. Ashley Cecil, Artist and Illustrator, USA

Nejib’s stain of the corneum layer in a patient with congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma.

Gross pathology of the gallbladder, close-up. Luis Humberto Cruz Contreras, Hospital Materno Infantil Irapuato, Mexico

These images showcase the beauty in even the simplest of microscopic images. Katelyn Dannheim, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA

Image of an injured eye examined for a forensic investigation. Narsing A. Rao, USC Roski Eye Institute, USA

These images show hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of enucleated eyes from a four-year-old patient with retinoblastoma. Diffuse growth of primitive undifferentiated cells with scant cytoplasm and oval nuclei showing finely granular chromatin and absence of nucleoli can be seen, as well as invasion of the neoplasm into the optic nerve. Alicia Nunez Abreu, Hospital HOMS, Dominican Republic