Since the American Society for Clinical Pathology’s inception in 1922, our organization has worked to provide excellence in education, certification, and advocacy on behalf of patients, pathologists, and medical laboratory professionals. All of our activities are designed to feed into ASCP’s four pillars – knowledge, advancement, global community, and collaboration. The National Pathology Quality Registry helps pathologists improve quality and patient care; the ASCP Foundation raises money to provide scholarships and increase laboratory visibility; and the Center for Global Health’s work with the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and our Partners for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in Africa initiative improve the diagnosis, care, and treatment of people all around the globe. Our portfolio of publications addresses the educational and academic research needs of our members, but what about the application of that research? And how do we explore the increasingly global aspect of pathology in ways that are relevant to our members today?.
That’s where The Pathologist comes in. By bringing the magazine to our members, we’re increasing their access to world-class material while satisfying all four of our tent pole values. An interview with Richard M. Linnehan, a veterinarian who also happens to be an astronaut, provides insight into the importance of comparative pathology. Articles such as “Stromal Secrets” and “Instant Raman” examine non-invasive tests for diseases such as endometriosis and inflammatory bowel disease, respectively. The Case of the Month represents a bite-sized way to test your knowledge. And when you’re having a bad day, articles such as Kamran Mirza’s “Our Secret Language” provide the inspiration you need to persevere. The Pathologist is committed to publishing informed opinion pieces and articles covering cutting-edge technology that facilitate conversation among the world’s leaders in pathology and laboratory medicine. It seemed only natural to bring this resource to our members, so that they are better equipped to meet the demands of today, while paving the way for the future. My best to you all.
E. Blair Holladay
CEO, American Society
for Clinical Pathology