An explosive image of an intranasal fungal infection. Alberto Berjón (@otromicroscopio)
Hand Osteoarthritis
A medical artist’s representation of osteoarthritis within the joints of the hand. Francesca Corra
Abn Myelin
This electron micrograph shows remyelination in a case of chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy (biopsy taken from a 57-year-old woman). Rosalind King
Dissection in Blue
This mixed media image on paper shows surgical treatment of an acute aortic dissection. David R S Evans, Cardiff University, Affiliate Member of the Medical Artists’ Association
Rat Glomerulus
This sample was fixed with glutaraldehyde, dehydrated with alcohol, and then critically point dried. After mounting on stubs, it was sputter-coated with gold for electron microscopy. Glenn M Harper, Plymouth Electron Microscopy, University of Plymouth
Rat Kidney
3D reconstruction from 651 hematoxylin and eosin stained sections, in semi- translucent view, generated with microDimensions Voloom®. microDimensions
A small collection of electron micrographs of a photogenic Giardia lamblia selected from enterobiopsies. Josef Špaček
Voronoi Mosaic
This tissue section of an oral squamous cell carcinoma was scanned with whole- slide imaging and segmented, followed by Voronoi diagram calculation. Small polygons are mostly stromal cells, whereas larger polygons are epithelial cells from glands. Martial Guillaud
Foot and Mouth
A low power image showing a foot and mouth disease lesion in a section of bovine tongue. Blue: cell nuclei, green: actin filaments, red: foot and mouth disease virus. Jennifer Simpson
Asteroid Hyalosis
This degenerative ophthalmic condition occurs when “asteroids” – calcium-lipid globules – accumulate in the vitreous humor of the eye, giving the appearance of stars in the night sky. Natalie Cook
Broccoli Bacteria
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli grows actin “feet” to attach itself to the wall of the intestine, causing infection. Taken on a ZEISS field emission scanning electron microscope. Manfred Rohde, HZI Braunschweig; ZEISS Microscopy
Ruptured Venule
Coloured scanning electron micrograph of a ruptured venule running through fatty tissue. Stacked red blood cells (rouleaux formation) and white blood cells are seen within the venule. Steve Gschmeissner (
On the Move
A low power image showing the spread of foot and mouth disease virus in a porcine interdigital lesion. The necrotic region of the lesion is on the right; on the left are infected cells with normal epithelium. Blue: cell nuclei, red: foot and mouth disease virus. Jennifer Simpson
Pathology Reportage
Clockwise from top left: the rectification room, where plaster casts are carefully refined in the prosthetics department; the busy clinical chemistry laboratory; the histopathology laboratory; the cut- up room, as pathologists examine biopsies; PAPNET, a new cytologic screening technology under trial. Julia Midgley; images from “Drawn From Experience” project except top, from “War Art and Surgery” project