Communicating With the Public
October 25, 2016
David Broniatowski’s team suggest the following tips for effective communication with non-experts
1 min read
“Welcome to our October issue. This month, we focus our Upfront articles on superbugs in humans, hens and hogs. In My View authors comment on the value of quality control, immunophenotyping, and sampling serous effusions for cancer diagnosis. Our Feature faces the challenge of antimicrobial resistance and stewardship head-on. In Practice tells us about social media’s rising role in diagnostics and epidemiology, and NextGen discusses virtual reality in surgical pathology education and a potential breath test for IBS. Profession shows how art can forge connections between patients and pathologists, and we Sit Down With John Gurdon, Nobel Prize-winning biologist at the University of Cambridge.”
October 25, 2016
David Broniatowski’s team suggest the following tips for effective communication with non-experts
1 min read
October 25, 2016
How my pathologist helped me regain my confidence and self-worth, and confront my cancer
1 min read
October 21, 2016
Roy Kishony and Michael Baym walk us through the MEGA project, which delivers a powerful, visually impactful message: bacteria spread and develop resistance… fast
3 min read
October 21, 2016
Brad Langford and Larissa Matukas describe how their work aims to influence prescribing patterns, and remind of the criticality of collaboration
1 min read
October 21, 2016
And in its wake, a flood of drug-resistant superbugs… unless we do something to stem the tide
1 min read
October 21, 2016
How social media posts are providing doctors with a new diagnostic and epidemiological tool
1 min read
October 21, 2016
A new panel of biomarkers present in exhaled breath may offer the first reliable, noninvasive way of diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome
1 min read
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