How do you use social media in a professional capacity
I mainly use Twitter and also contribute to the College’s Facebook page, as well as having personal Facebook and Pinterest accounts. I write a blog for the College and have contributed to others’ blogs too. I started my Twitter account several years ago to highlight the College’s public engagement activity. I used to tweet about events for the public, science communication training and tweet a few photos of my events.Since I was elected President of the College last year my Twitter contributions have broadened to cover a wide range of pathology-related topics. So now, as well as public engagement, which remains dear to my heart, I tweet about health policy, pathology in the news and highlight what the College does on behalf of its members. I retweet a lot of health-related material from individuals and news websites, anything that I think people would be interested in. I enjoy following the progress of meetings on Twitter and always try to sit near the front so I can photograph the speakers to illustrate their key points. I tweet links to the College website with news, new guidelines and announcements such as the date of this year’s National Pathology Week, which has just been announced as November 2–8, 2015. I tweet links to pathology-related television and radio programmes, particularly ones with College input, so people can find them easily and watch or listen if they missed them first time round.
I’m the first (and only) College President to have my Twitter username on my College business cards.