Lab Turnaround Time Study Sets Alarm Bells Ringing
October 5, 2014
Pathologists in high-throughput laboratories are working as fast as they can to return results as quickly as possible. But are clinicians actually looking at them?
1 min read
October 5, 2014
Pathologists in high-throughput laboratories are working as fast as they can to return results as quickly as possible. But are clinicians actually looking at them?
1 min read
October 5, 2014
Best practice guidance to ensure that molecular pathology labs get the best possible result
1 min read
October 5, 2014
Processes and key considerations when conducting a molecular pathology test for cancer patients. Errors introduced at any stage along this pathway are likely to impact negatively on the overall process, and the outcome could be an inaccurate result and a molecular pathology report that fails to guide on the most appropriate diagnosis or treatment for the patient.
1 min read
October 3, 2014
Matthew Burke (MB), Sales Engineer from Hamamatsu Photonics UK Limited, Perry van Rijsingen (PvR), General Manager Philips Digital Pathology Solutions from Philips Healthcare, and Olga Colgan (OC), Director of Commercial Marketing Aperio ePathology from Leica Biosystems, offer their perspectives on digital pathology adoption and the future of the field.
1 min read
October 3, 2014
Marcial Garcia Rojo of the Hospital de Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain, is a key proponent and early adopter of digital pathology, having used the approach for more than seven years. Here, he shares his experiences so far.
1 min read
October 3, 2014
Digital pathology is pushing the boundaries of convention and dividing the community. Uptake of the technology is growing, but only slowly. Can its adoption be resisted forever? Here, we look at the benefits – and challenges – of implementing this inevitable technology.
1 min read
October 3, 2014
Is the accurate identification of tumor types during surgery – in real-time – a realistic possibility or a pipe dream?
1 min read
October 3, 2014
Now more than 90 percent complete, this project could prove invaluable for medical research.
1 min read
October 2, 2014
Inadequacy of course content, lack of awareness, poor perception, changing healthcare priorities – it’s no wonder pathology is struggling to attract new talent. Can the UK’s Royal College of Pathologists help buck the trend?
1 min read
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