Miguel Reyes-Múgica
Miguel Reyes-Múgica is Marjory K. Harmer Endowed Chair in Pediatric Pathology, Chief of Pathology and Head of Laboratories, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA
Miguel Reyes-Múgica is Marjory K. Harmer Endowed Chair in Pediatric Pathology, Chief of Pathology and Head of Laboratories, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA
March 29, 2016
We asked an impossible question at the end of 2015: which piece of literature stood out from the crowd and showed the greatest potential for pushing the field of laboratory medicine forward?
1 min read
March 29, 2016
James’ landmark paper: MM Bond, RR Richards-Kortum, “Drop-to-drop variation in the cellular components of fingerprick blood”, Am J Clin Pathol, 144, 885–894 (2015). PMID: 26572995.
1 min read
March 29, 2016
Ian’s landmark paper: KL Spindler et al., “Circulating free DNA as biomarker and source for mutation detection in metastatic colorectal cancer”, PLoS One, 10, e0108247 (2015). PMID: 25875772.
1 min read
March 29, 2016
Peter’s landmark paper: JT Kwak et al., “Improving prediction of prostate cancer recurrence using chemical imaging”, Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 8758 (2015). PMID: 25737022.
1 min read
March 29, 2016
Liron’s landmark paper: DR Snead et al., “Validation of digital pathology imaging for primary histopathological diagnosis”, Histopathology, [Epub ahead of print] (2015). PMID: 26409165.
1 min read
March 29, 2016
Miguel’s landmark paper: R Soret et al., “A collagen VI-dependent pathogenic mechanism for Hirschsprung’s disease”, J Clin Invest, 125, 4483–4496 (2015). PMID: 26571399.
1 min read
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