Detect RNA with ease
- Single-molecule detection with single-target specificity by proprietary probe design and signal amplification technology
- Visualize RNA expression and distribution with morphological content
- Easy and robust Assay

Detection of Neurological Biomarkers
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of neurological disease development and progression is necessary to identify key pathogenic steps, and thereby identify new potential therapeutic targets through a combination of epidemiology-related neuropathology, biomarkers for clinical trials, and experimental studies. RNAscope® in situ hybridization (ISH) technology enables cell- and tissue-specific localization of RNA transcripts quickly and precisely for functionally important targets in the nervous system. With RNAscope ISH assays, you can turn any gene specifically expressed by a particular cell lineage into an endogenous marker for neuronal cell types and tissues.Visualize any RNA
RNAscope ISH technology achieves high sensitivity and specificity for detection of gene expression in the nerves system. For example, RNAscope-based CISH assay confirms that Apoe4, one of the transcript isoforms of ApoE, is locally expressed in the astrocytes of mouse brain (Figure 1); and Bmp1 expression is restricted to the grey zone of cerebella. RNAscope ISH is ideal for staining any RNA transcript in FFPE (Figure 1) or fresh frozen (Figure 2) neurological tissues, and can provide in situ quantitative analysis for any gene in any species. RNAscope ISH is especially powerful in detection of low-abundance RNA, as well as targets to which there are no good antibodies available.